Support Your Wellbeing This Winter
It’s cold, the nights are drawing in, and all those mulled wines, hot chocolates and mince pies aren’t giving your body everything it needs. Let’s look at supplements to support your wellbeing this winter.
Support Your Wellbeing This Winter
The big coat is well and truly out of the wardrobe, it’s dark before you get home from work, and your diet’s starting to contain more mince pies and mulled wines than fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes, it’s that time of year when we’re all on the lookout for sniffles and sneezes as we wrap up warm and brave the festive crowds.
It’s winter, and winter’s always tough on our bodies. Unfortunately, we can’t take a leaf out of the brown bear’s book and just sleep straight through to March. There’s things to do, and we need to feel good while we do them.
You don’t hibernate and nor do Sealions, so let’s take a look at some of the new supplements we’ve got in stock to see just what can help to support your wellbeing this winter.
Before we begin - Vitamin D
The sun’s going down at 4pm, you’re wearing six layers whenever you leave the house, and you don't really remember what sunbathing is. So guess what? You’re not absorbing that lovely Vitamin D. You really should. So take a supplement.
Support Your Immune System
Remember last winter when nobody got a cold or the flu? Well, this year we’re not all locked in our houses doing Zoom quizzes and ordering presents online. We’re out and about, and that means we’re at risk from those irritating coughs and colds that put a dampener on the festive season. So we’ve put together a one-a-day Immunity Complex supplement with Vitamin D, C, Zinc and Black Elderberry extract to support your immune system.
Stay Alert
It’s dark. It’s cold. And the TV is wall-to-wall Christmas specials. Not the best combination of factors to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. But help is at hand with our Neuro Cognitive Complex, a vegan-friendly supplement expertly formulated to support optimal mental performance. Which will be a huge bonus when someone dusts off Trivial Pursuits after your Christmas dinner.
Stay Active
“It’s cold” you say to yourself. “I can feel it in my bones. It’s too cold, I feel sore, so instead of working out I’m going to watch telly and tuck into this box of chocolates.” We don’t judge. We’ve all been there. And it’s true. Cold, wet weather isn’t great for your joints. But if you want to stay active, the right supplements to support your bones and cartilage will help to keep you moving freely. Packed with Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Copper, our Joint Complex could be the helping hand you need.
And One Last Supplement For These Dark, Cold Nights…
It’s dark and cold. You don’t really want to go out, do you? No. In fact, staying in sounds like a good plan. Staying in, and snuggling up for warmth. That sounds nice. Sounds very nice indeed. We wonder if staying in and snuggling up sounding so nice is the reason so many babies are born nine months after winter really gets cold? Probably just a coincidence. Anyway, here’s a link to our Female Fertility Complex and our Male Fertility Complex. Just in case.
Look after yourself and your family this winter with Sealions - affordable vitamin and mineral supplements that are good for you, good for your loved ones, and good for the world in general.