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Your body doesn't just run on sugar and calories. It needs nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Get the balance right and you'll find yourself bursting with energy and glowing with a sense of wellbeing.
30 Days Supply
365 Days Supply
365 Days Supply
365 Days Supply
365 Days Supply
450g Pouch in three flavours
365 Days Supply
3 x Pouches for £15
365 Days Supply
30 Days Supply
2 x Pouches for £11
2 gummies per day
With hectic work and even busier personal lives, it's hard for people to get the right amount of vitamins through diet alone. Many adults and children suffer from low energy, constant lethargy, and a general lack of motivation, making it hard to perform daily tasks.
While a healthy, well-rounded diet can help, vitamins and mineral supplements can give you that much-needed energy boost and ensure you perform better at work or school.
Sealions is a provider that aims to disrupt the status quo of the supplements world by providing high-quality vitamins and minerals at low prices.
Our extensive collection is available for people of all ages - and pets - so you can boost your health without breaking the bank.
If you find it hard to fulfil your professional obligations and family commitments, you're not alone. According to the NHS, one in eight adults always feels tired, while a quarter experience regular tiredness.
We all know that an active lifestyle is central to boosting mental and physical health, but it's not always possible for people that lack energy.
Some of the leading causes of low energy include:
Physical health conditions, including Chron's Disease, Colitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, can contribute to a lack of energy. Individuals recovering from cancer or suffering from blood pressure problems will also find they're not as active as healthy adults.
There's a reason the UK launched the five-a-day scheme in the early 2000s, but how many people follow it? According to the Association of Dieticians, only 8% of children and 27% of adults consume five portions of fruit and vegetables daily.
A diet high in sugar and saturated fats will inevitably make a person feel less energetic. As fruit and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, low consumption has a knock-on effect.
Supplements can be an excellent alternative if you're finding it hard to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals through diet alone. With so many available, it's hard to know where to start - but we stock a wide range of effective supplements for various purposes.
The B group of vitamins are probably the most effective at boosting energy levels and reducing tiredness. Each Vitamin B subtype has its function, but a combination of all will dramatically impact your daily life.
They're known for turning food sources into energy, ensuring that people can utilise them throughout the day.
Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, mainly found in leafy green vegetables and fruits. Most people know that folic acid can prevent congenital disabilities, but it's also vital for cell growth and tissue repair.
Including these supplements in your diet will help you to maintain energy levels and keep your cells healthy.
Iron promotes more effective cells by creating haemoglobin that transports oxygen from your blood cells to the rest of your body. Without enough iron, you'll feel tired, lack concentration, and more susceptible to infections.
Magnesium keeps your muscles strong and promotes better functioning of the muscles and nerves. Zinc is also an essential supplement because it protects the immune system and ensures you recover from wounds.
Many athletes use Vitamin C because it's one of the most powerful antioxidants. Research suggests it can help people maintain their energy through a workout and provide them with the extra motivation to smash pain barriers.
Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient that plays a role in many different body functions. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D3 can also regulate cell growth and maintain the immune system.
Vitamin K2 is another powerful supplement that can reduce tiredness and enhance your performance during exercise. It also promotes better skin and treats Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so it's one of those all-rounder vitamins.
Sealions is the go-to place for all your supplement needs, and we make things convenient for you by creating pouches for various purposes.
Whether you're looking for a general mixture of energy-boosting supplements or want to minimise the effects of stress, you'll find everything you need here.
Dealing with menopause is no easy feat, and many women suffer from low energy and mood swings. Our combination of vital vitamins, including B-Complex and calcium, ensure you can continue balancing your hormones.
A low immunity automatically puts you at risk of numerous infections, but our complex is designed to give you the protection you need. With a powerful combination of Vitamin C, D3 and zinc, our immune system supplement won't disappoint you.
Who says losing weight must be painful? Our metabolism powder packs tons of vitamins and nutrients in each dose, ensuring you can fire up your body and boost weight loss.
When we founded Sealions, we had a mission: sell high-quality vitamin supplements without charging a fortune. Energy tablets shouldn't be excessively expensive, but many providers will charge over £30 a month.
Investing in your health shouldn't be a difficult decision, and our low prices mean anyone can access a range of vitamins and minerals for a low price.
Here's what you get when you shop with us:
Our supplements come in 90, 180 or 365-day supplies, so you don't need to worry about managing a monthly subscription. Better still, you can get a year's supply of energy supplements for as low as £5.
The problem with plastic pollution continues to grow in England, and many supplement providers use plastic bottles. Our vitamins come in compostable packets, so you can rest assured that you won't hurt the environment.
You'll find everything you need with a range of vitamins suitable for the whole family and blends that meet the dietary needs of vegan and vegetarian customers. Shop today, and get that much-needed energy boost.
Please contact our friendly team if you need advice and support.