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Our Top Wellness Tips For Autumn

Our Top Wellness Tips For Autumn

Our Top Wellness Tips For Autumn

Now we’re in the throes of autumn, you may notice that your typical wellness routine switches up a little. As the days get colder and shorter, let’s take a look at how you can stay feeling your best.

Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D

One of the most noticeable changes in autumn is the dark and gloomy night’s drawing in earlier, and the lack of direct sunlight each day. Plus, when it’s much colder, it’s likely you will be wrapped up warm head to toe, with little of your skin exposed to the sun.

Because of this, in the UK, it’s recommended that all adults – including pregnant and breastfeeding women – and children over the age of 4 should supplement their daily intake of vitamin D during the autumn and winter months. It can be difficult to get enough from diet alone, so a daily vitamin D supplement can help.

Vitamin D provides essential support for your immune system, which is all the more important at this time of year! It also helps your body absorb calcium, meaning it is vital for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, and even muscles.

Support your immunity

As well as vitamin D, there are many nutrients which can give your immune system a helping hand in strengthening its defences for the colder months. Packing your diet full of immune-boosting nutrients is a great place to start, with vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables like oranges or broccoli, or foods with high antioxidant properties, such as blueberries, spinach, and even garlic!

If you’re looking to safeguard your diet with some extra support, a supplement can ensure you’re filling any gaps in your nutrition. Our Immunity Complex provides 100% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin D and zinc, with 400mg of vitamin C and added black elderberry extract, providing support for a healthy immune system and protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Maintain daily activity & exercise

In the colder months it can be far more tempting to cosy up at home than head to the gym or brave the outdoors – but research has shown that physical activity is vital to maintaining your wellbeing. Whether it’s a brisk walk outdoors, or trying a new yoga class, the NHS recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, per week to really feel the benefits.

Seasonal changes in weather and lower levels of sunlight have been found to negatively impact mood, particularly in women. Engaging in regular exercise can also help to alleviate feelings of low mood and stress, with many mental benefits alongside the positives for your physical health.

Stay hydrated

This one is definitely something to consider all year round. The human body is made up of approximately 60% water, but we lose a little every day just from doing our usual daily activities, even if we’re not engaging in physical exercise – which is why it’s so important to stay hydrated. It’s recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid per day – this can include water, tea or coffee, lower-fat milks and even sugar-free drinks.

Not drinking enough can result in dehydration, and even mild dehydration has been found to have a negative impact on energy levels and fatigue, as well as brain function and mood.

Keep your batteries charged

As well as keeping you hydrated, drinking enough water can also have a positive impact on sleep. Dehydration can prevent a good night’s sleep, while not enough sleep can in turn increase the likelihood of dehydration. Getting enough high-quality sleep is an essential part of your wellbeing, so it’s important that all adults aim for between 7 and 9 hours per night.

If you need some extra help with fighting the feelings of tiredness and fatigue, supplements can give your body the support it needs to keep you feeling energised. B vitamins are essential for supporting a normal energy-yielding metabolism, helping to break down food and turn it into energy. A daily B-Complex or vitamin B12 tablet can promote a lift in energy, and even contribute to normal mental performance.

Spice up your diet

Some herbs and spices are widely recognised for their health benefits, and are quick and easy ingredients to add in to your favourite autumnal recipes. Garlic and turmeric are both commonly used in cooking, but can also be taken in supplement form which can provide a higher strength dose and convenience.

Garlic supplements have been found to support the function of the immune system, helping to fight against bacteria and viruses and protect against illnesses like the common cold. It can also contribute to the reduction of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are two of the most important factors that can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help with protecting your cells from free radicals and keeping your skin healthy. Our turmeric supplements also contain black pepper, which helps the body to absorb turmeric.
