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Support Your Bone Health During Menopause

Support Your Bone Health During Menopause

Support Your Bone Health During Menopause

The menopause and the perimenopause aren’t much fun. There’s fatigue, hot flashes, and brain fog to grab your attention - and leave you looking for the right menopause supplements and support. But that’s not all that happens with your body.

As if you’ve not got enough to worry about, menopause can weaken your bones and increase your risk of osteoporosis. In fact, researchers believe that up to 20% of your bone density can be lost during this time, and that one in ten post-menopausal women are affected by osteoporosis.

But here at Sealions, we’re not here to worry you. We wouldn’t bring this up if we didn’t have a recommendation to help you support your bone health and settle all your concerns.

So let’s look at what your body needs at this time of your life, and how the right supplements can help you get it.


When it comes to bone health, we all know calcium is the key. It’s why we give our kids so much milk - because it’s packed with calcium and that’s what builds healthy bones and healthy teeth.

And that doesn’t suddenly change when you hit 18, 48, or 88. No matter how old you are, adding calcium to your diet will mean your body has a crucial tool to build stronger, healthier bones.

Doctors recommend that during menopause or perimenopause, you need around 1,300mg of dietary calcium every single day. That’s four servings of milk, cheese, fortified cereals or leafy greens (other than spinach).

Or you can reach for our Calcium +D3 supplement to grab 400mg of your recommended daily allowance in a single tablet.

Not only will this put you on track for your RDA of bone-building calcium, it’ll give you a healthy dose of Vitamin D3. And that’s vitally important because…

Vitamin D3

Because Vitamin D3 does a little bit of everything you need during the change. Women of every age should be considering extra D3 in their diet, but during menopause it’s an extra boost for your wellbeing.

Firstly, it’ll support your bones by helping to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, helping you become more resilient. And that’s key if you don’t want to be one of the 10% of women who develop this condition later in life.

Secondly, it can also help in other ways. Studies show that Vitamin D3 can reduce your risk of heart disease, help you control your weight, and lift your mood. Which is extra important if you’re worried and spending your days reading articles telling you how to reduce your symptoms!

It’s recommended that you take in at least 200-800 IU of Vitamin D3 every day. You could get that from 20 glasses of full-fat milk, a few tins of oily fish, or you can take a look at supplements. The Calcium +D3 supplement we mentioned above has 200IU, or our Vitamin D3 supplement contains a whopping 3000 IU - which is enough to boost your bones, teeth, muscles and immune system.

Vitamin K2

Finally, to reduce those perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms and really boost your bone health, you’ll need a little extra Vitamin K2 in your diet.

K2 is often found in soy products (especially that funky fermented soy dish called natto) and fermented foods, and it helps your body process that all-important protein. Even better, studies suggest it can help to keep your oestrogen levels on an even keel, and preserve your bone strength while reducing the risk of fractures.

If you want to tuck in to a steaming bowl of fermented beans every day, then all power to you. But if your choice of lunch is a little less out there, then adding a Vitamin K2 supplement to your diet for as little as £7 per year could be the key to reducing your menopause-related worries even further.

Taking care of your wellbeing with the right supplements and the right diet can help you minimise the impacts of menopause and keep your bones healthy and strong for years to come.
