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At What Age Do You Start Feeling Tired and Old?

At What Age Do You Start Feeling Tired and Old?

At What Age Do You Start Feeling Tired and Old?

Remember being able to get by on three hours of sleep in your early 20s? Or pulling an all-nighter and still nailing that important exam? Now, you need at least seven hours to get by and don't have as much energy. Guess what? It's a typical sign of ageing, and it happens to everyone.

Just because it happens to everyone doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. Supplements and minor lifestyle changes can enhance your energy and allow you to enjoy life, so read on to discover how to get your groove back.

The ageing process: Fact or fiction?

Ageing is a very real thing, and it starts at a cellular level. Children and teenagers have plenty of energy, but ageing starts during their 20s. The difference is that most people don't notice that their bodies change until much later.

Decreasing collagen production, less muscle mass, and a slow metabolism can all lead to feelings of lethargy. Research shows that a person's muscle mass will decrease between 3% and 8% each decade after turning 30, and these changes can lead to less energy (NCBI).

Let's take a look at how each decade impacts energy levels.

The 30s

When you turn 30, your testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone) levels will gradually decrease, but most people don't notice significant differences in their energy levels. Subtle changes include more declines in energy and longer recovery times after working out.

Most people will still maintain high energy levels, but certain lifestyles can make the effects of ageing clearer.

For example, in your early to mid-20s, you might have been able to enjoy a night of clubbing, roll into bed at 3 a.m., and get up for work at 7 a.m., but you'll probably need an afternoon nap in your 30s.

The 40s and 50s

It's common to notice more chances in the 40s and 50s because men and women undergo hormonal changes. Most women experience menopause in their 50s, but estrogen and progesterone levels will decrease during perimenopause.

Males also experience hormonal changes, including decreased testosterone levels (also known as andropause). Both fluctuations can result in lower energy levels, feeling lethargic, and less muscle mass. Again, the 40s and 50s impact people differently, with some noticing fewer effects than others.

However, during this stage, people will usually notice they're "getting old".

The 60s

After turning 60, your body doesn't produce as much energy, which can decrease your physical resilience and result in more lethargy. Physical resilience can also be an issue as sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) begins to accelerate.

The cells also struggle to produce energy, leading to lethargy and less physical resilience. That's why maintaining an active lifestyle is vital after turning 60.

Lifestyle factors that lead to less energy

While the natural ageing process can impact a person's energy, lifestyle factors can have the same effect. Understanding these factors can help you combat them and enhance your vitality.

Having children

For example, in 2021, the average age for a woman to have her first child was 30.9, a six-year increase from the 1980s (ONS).

As women begin to feel more tired in their 30s, the effects of dealing with young children are usually more evident than they would be for women in their 20s.

Poor sleep quality

It will come as no surprise to know that sleep deprivation can make you feel older. Unfortunately, it's a common problem for adults in the UK, with the National Sleep Foundation revealing that up to 30% of adults regularly experience insomnia.

Chronic sleep deprivation is a significant contributor to premature ageing and fatigue. Adults who consistently sleep fewer than seven hours per night often report feeling "older" due to reduced cognitive function, slower reflexes, and persistent exhaustion.

Diet and Nutrition

Nutrition is the cornerstone of effective health, but consuming a varied and balanced diet is challenging. A healthy diet should consist of protein, fibre, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and good fats, but those takeaways and packaged meals make life much easier.

Unfortunately, while someone in their teens and 20s can get away with a diet of takeaways and Pot Noodles, adults over 30 feel the effects more.

While a healthy and varied diet can increase energy and physical performance, foods high in sugar, processed ingredients, and saturated fats lead to weight gain and a sluggish metabolism. Scientific research also confirms poor diets can lead to higher fatigue levels (PubMed).

Sedentary lifestyles

Sedentary lifestyles are one of the quickest ways to feel older. When you get regular exercise, it increases your blood flow, supports the development of muscle mass, and improves heart health.

Experts recommend around 150 minutes of exercise weekly, which is 30 minutes each day, five times a week. Unfortunately, many people don't get their recommended daily exercise, which impacts muscle mass and can slow the metabolism.

The best vitamin and mineral supplements for increased energy and vitality

In an ideal world, you'd get all the nutrients your body needs through diet alone, but it's not always possible. Luckily, supplements can fill in nutritional gaps and maintain your overall wellbeing. Here are some essential nutrients that support ageing.


Calcium is key in preserving strong bones, ensuring you remain active. Older adults are more at risk of conditions like osteoporosis, and low calcium levels will decrease bone mineral density, making it harder to exercise.

Women over 50 need around 20% more calcium than younger adults, and taking a calcium supplement is a great way to support your bones.

B Vitamins

B Vitamins are renowned for enhancing energy and cognitive function. Everyone needs them, but certain types of Vitamin B become more important as we age.

Taking a B-Complex supplement is always beneficial, but people over 50 need to focus on two B Vitamins:

B9: Vitamin B9 - also known as folic acid - supports the production of red blood cells and can enhance your body's ability to metabolise carbohydrates, which promotes energy. B12: Age can lead to lower levels of Vitamin B12, reducing your energy and ability to function.

Vitamin D

Age also restricts the body's ability to harness sunlight and turn it into Vitamin D, which can compromise bone and muscle health. Taking a Vitamin D supplement means maintaining an active lifestyle and increasing the amount of calcium you absorb.


There's a reason people with iron deficiencies feel tired more than individuals with optimal levels: iron supports the production of red blood cells. If you don't get enough iron through diet alone, lethargy and lower physical performance are common side effects.

Vegetarians and vegans naturally struggle to get enough iron, but ageing can also restrict your levels. An iron supplement is a great way to power your body and mind.


Speaking of essential nutrients, are you getting enough magnesium? It's an absolute powerhouse in terms of energy production, taking part in around 80% of metabolic reactions (NCBI). Aside from helping turn foods into energy, it supports muscle function and regulates blood pressure.

Older people often struggle to get enough magnesium through diet alone, which can lead to excess lethargy and sore muscles.

Charge-Up Supplements

Finding the right combination of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients can be challenging, but combining your needs into one daily supplement is an excellent way to increase energy and alertness. The Charge-Up Gummies combine zinc, iodine and seven B Vitamins to give your body and brain a powerful surge.

Whether you struggle to stay active, deal with sleep issues, or experience excessive lethargy throughout the day, these gummies will give you a new lease on life.

Lifestyle changes that reverse the effects of ageing

OK, there's no magic potion that will make you feel 20 again, but you can make some important lifestyle changes. We've covered all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive; now it's time to maximise your energy through simple changes.

Diet is everything

A healthy diet can make a huge difference to your overall wellbeing. Make room for plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, fibre, whole grains, fatty fish, and foods that are abundant in antioxidants.

You can still have treats, but cutting out the majority of processed foods and moderating your sugar intake will make a difference. Staying hydrated is also essential, so drink plenty of water and monitor your alcohol intake.

Exercise daily

Exercise can help you reach your fitness goals and develop more self-esteem. The endorphins it releases often create a "high" feeling, but many older people shy away from getting active.

You don't need to go on hour-long runs or hit the gym, as yoga, strength training, and swimming can reduce body fat and increase muscle growth. Once you embrace an active lifestyle, your energy will improve.

Focus on sleep quality

Do you dread going to bed each night because you know you'll either get up multiple times or lay awake for hours? Nobody wants to deal with insomnia, but it's a common problem that might require specialist treatment.

Adults should get between seven to nine hours each night; changing your environment can make a difference. Try blackout blinds and ensure your bedroom isn't too hot or cold. If that doesn't work, you should see a specialist.

Reduce stress

While age comes with an increased risk of lethargy and cognitive issues, the Mental Health Foundation reports that older adults have lower stress levels than people in their teens and 20s.

Even though stress is less common, understanding how to reduce it and promote emotional wellbeing can reduce the chances of oxidative damage. Practising mindfulness, joining a yoga class or even reading a book and doing something else you enjoy can significantly reduce stress levels.

Health conditions that can lead to excess tiredness

While age can bring changes in energy and vitality, these alterations shouldn't have a massive impact on your life. If you struggle to stay awake during the day, can't do 30 minutes of light to moderate cardio, and feel old, it could be a sign of a health condition.

The health conditions you should watch out for include:

  • Chronic Conditions: Many people in the UK suffer from chronic diseases without even knowing it. The most common include Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease - all of which can make you feel old.
  • Thyroid Disorders: Both underactive and overactive thyroid levels can impact energy. While hypothyroidism slows the metabolism, people with overactive thyroids are more lethargic than others.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Ageing can cause a range of emotional symptoms in people, and depression is a worry among adults. When dealing with depression, it's common to experience low moods, which can result in physical symptoms, including lethargy and a lack of motivation.
  • Autoimmune Conditions: Fibromyalgia can impact anyone, but its symptoms often worsen with age. People between 30 and 50 are most likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis, but flare-ups usually last for longer in people over 50.

If you have the symptoms of these health conditions, it's important to see a doctor and receive treatment. While taking the Charge Up Vitamin supplement can help with general energy and cognitive function, certain conditions require specialist medications.

The bottom line

We all have to deal with the effects of ageing at some point, but how we approach these changes makes a difference.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, getting your recommended intake of essential vitamins, and plenty of exercise are the foundations of energy and longevity.

If you want to focus on your wellbeing, Sealions has a range of supplements available at affordable prices. From our Charge-Up Gummies to Vitamin C and D supplements, our customers have everything they need to live a full and healthy life.

Shop today and enjoy renewed energy. 
